e-INFRA CZ Project goals
e-INFRA CZ provides unique e-infrastructure for research, development and innovation in the Czech Republic. It offers a fully transparent environment with a comprehensive portfolio of ICT services essential for modern research and ensuring extensive capacities and resources for the transferring, storing and processing of scientific data for all entities engaged in research, development and innovation. e-INFRA CZ is the Czech national node of the following European and global research infrastructures and initiatives: European Communication Infrastructure GÉANT, European Grid Infrastructure EGI, European HPC – e-Infrastructure PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), EUDAT CDI (Collaborative Data Infrastructure), EOSC (European Open Science Cloud), EuroHPC JU (European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking) and LUMI consortium, BDVA (Big Data Value Association), and ETP4HPC (European Technology Platform for High-Performance Computing).
The main components of e-INFRA CZ include:
- (1) a high-performance national communication infrastructure,
- (2) high performance supercomputing systems,
- (3) national grid and cloud infrastructure,
- (4) secure high-capacity distributed data storage, and
- (5) authorization and authentication infrastructure (AAI).
e-INFRA CZ service portfolio includes other additional tools and services, such as tools for remote collaboration and tools to ensure secure communication and data protection, which are an essential and integral part of the e-infrastructure.
The aim of the e-INFRA CZ project is to develop and operate this fully transparent IT environment for all entities involved in research, development and innovation and to provide its services to its users regardless of scientific discipline. An integral part of this aim is also to develop knowledge and technological advantage in solving the current challenges in the field of ICT with the aim of using them in solving the requirements of modern science and industrial innovation.
Provider: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic
Programme: Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic (2023–2026)
Identification number: LM2023054
Implementation period: 1/2023 – 12/2026
Modernization of e-INFRA CZ II
Acronym: e-INFRA CZ
Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic
Programme: Programme Johannes Amos Comenius (2021 - 2027)
Identification number: CZ.02.01.01/00/23_016/0008329
Implementation period: 7/2023 - 12/2026