The technological company Kemp Technologies has announced the acquisition of the company Flowmon Networks from Brno.
Researchers from the Faculty of Information Technology of Brno University of Technology (FIT BUT) were also involved in the establishment of the university spin-off, which today is one of the world leaders in network performance monitoring and analysis. The acquisition of Flowmon Networks is the first successful exit of the technological spin-off of BUT.
Flowmon Networks was established thirteen years ago under the name Invea-Tech around the Liberouter research group of the CESNET association. A number of academic staff and students from FIT BUT and Masaryk University were involved. The products of the newly formed company arose precisely from the results of their academic research.
"When academics from both institutions founded the company, both universities acquired an ownership stake in it and, together with the CESNET association, continued to support the development of new technologies. For example, one of the first 100Gb Netflow probes was created," recalls one of the company's co-founders, Jan Kořenek from FIT BUT.
Thanks to cooperation with academic entities and the focus of development on new technologies, Flowmon Networks has won a number of awards and today is one of the fastest growing technology companies in the field of network performance monitoring and network detection and response.
The created technologies will now have a better access to foreign markets. "Joining Kemp is a great opportunity to bring our solutions closer to other customers around the world," says Jiří Tobola, CEO of the company, who co-founded Flowmon Network as a student at FIT BUT.
The acquisition of Flowmon Networks is the proof that it is possible to turn academic research into a very successful company. However, cooperation with the academic sphere does not end there. On the contrary, CESNET and BUT plan to continue cooperating with Flowmon Networks.