The one-week course focuses on parallel programming with the Message Passing Interface (MPI), OpenMP and CUDA. A general introduction into HPC and its benefits will be presented and the different parallel programming paradigms will be duly explained allowing participants to write parallel applications that can fully exploit modern HPC hardware.
EOSC Future Open Days: 23-25 November
The EOSC Future project is hosting its first EOSC Future Open Days from 23 to 25 November 2021. The agenda is already available:
Invitation: Access to Karolina supercomputer course - November 11, 2021 / 9 AM - 4 PM
This course is dedicated to the most powerful Czech supercomputer KAROLINA. Participants will learn about its architecture and key parameters, how to access IT4Innovations resources, how to run jobs and how to use the GPU accelerated partition.
CESNET upgraded the SAGElab
The CESNET Association has implemented a significant upgrade of the technology in the SAGElab network multimedia laboratory. The original five control servers have been replaced by one more powerful one, which displays content simultaneously on all twenty monitors available in the lab. In addition to the increased computing power, space and power savings have been made.
Research stakeholders debated development of the data infrastructure in Czechia
On Thursday, 23rd September 2021, a seminar to implement the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) initiative in the Czech Republic was organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the National Library of Technology, the e-INFRA CZ large research infrastructure and the Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
EOSC First User Survey
The EOSC Future project wants to develop a European Open Science Cloud that can support the shifting needs of the EU’s research communities. To do so, it is looking to understand the day-to-day work culture and habits of its current and potential users. That’s why it is launching its first user survey.
e-INFRA CZ succeeded in the international evaluation of large research infrastructures in the Czech Republic
The e-INFRA CZ consortium has achieved the highest possible score in the international evaluation of large research infrastructures in the Czech Republic, which took place under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
Interview with the new CESNET Director Jakub Papírník
At the beginning of August, the long-time director Jan Gruntorád handed over the management to the newly elected director Jakub Papírník.
The first inter-city quantum key distribution in the Czech Republic - the most secure encrypted communication
The e-INFRA CZ consortium has implemented quantum key distribution, which has reached primacy in many ways.
LUMI supercomputer user`s survey
The LUMI supercomputer is arriving and is building a support system tailored to the needs of the Users.
23rd Open Access Grant Competition of IT4INNOVATIONS
Starting Monday, June 7, applications are open for the 23rd Open Access Grant Competition of IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center.
Name of the new CESNET director is known
The new director of the CESNET association will be Jakub Papírník, current director of the Charles University Computer Centre.
CESNET e-Infrastructure Conference
A meeting of experts in the field of network technologies at the CESNET e-Infrastructure Conference is approaching.
First meeting of e-INFRA CZ User Council took place
The Council had on its agenda the discussion of the goals of e-INFRA CZ until 2022 and the strategy for the years 2023-2029.
CESNET increased computing capacity by a quarter
MetaCentrum, operated by the CESNET association, has significantly expanded and modernized its computing infrastructure by 8,423 CPU cores.
CESNET celebrated its 25th birthday with a virtual toast
The CESNET association, which develops a national e-infrastructure for research and education and at the same time focuses on its own development in the field of information and communication technologies, commemorated its 25th anniversary with a short ceremonial online meeting.
Science Mesh for effective data sharing and international cooperation of the scientific community
As part of its membership in the EOSC association, European Open Science Cloud, CESNET has participated in a number of international projects. One of them is CS3MESH4EOSC.
CESNET, MUNI and VSB-TUO became members of the EOSC Association, a joint European research cloud
The CESNET Association, Masaryk University and VSB - Technical University of Ostrava were accepted as members of the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) association, the European cloud for open science.
The new most powerful Czech supercomputer is going to be called Karolina
In the final quarter of last year there was a competition to name the most powerful supercomputer in the Czech Republic, which will be installed at IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center in Ostrava this year. From more than 5,000 submissions sent by over 2,000 people, the name KAROLINA was selected by the jury.
The National e-infrastructure for research and development e-INFRA CZ will increase its parameters, counts on a speed of 400 Gb/s
The national e-infrastructure for science and research e-INFRA CZ plans to substantially increase its parameters.